Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Exhibits and Classes and Fun

Since it is spring and the weather is marginally better, there are all sorts of classes and exhibits going on.  Luckily folks are reporting in so that we can share in the experiences no matter how far away they are from our own stitching nest. Nimble Needle in New Jersey went to Needle Fest and had a great time

Sandy Arthur just taught a painted canvas embellishment class at The Village Sampler and had a blast!

Cynthia Thomas was at Atlanta Needlepoint teaching techniques from her new book and was planning to meet up with Needlepoint Nation members shortly. Hope she had even more fun there!

Diane went to Mackinac Island and stitched with June McKnight.

Needle Bug went to Monroeville for a play and took Julia Snyder along.  Then Julia taught.  A good time was had by all.

The Guildford Town Tapestry is on display in Guildford.  Unfortunately this is a town in Surrey, England, so I won't get to meet the mayor who coordinated the stitching of this large piece and who worked on it herself but I agree that we need more stitching mayors!

Coral Seas has been to the Royal School of Needlework's ecclesiastical embroidery exhibit.  Follow the link to see the Litany of Loreto pieces she raves about.

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, is a lot closer to me but I missed their Third Annual Needlecraft Exhibit.  Melita went however, and reports back about the pieces that caught her eye.

If you haven't had any stitching exhibits or classes in your life lately, you might be interested in this Margaret Bendig class in San Diego.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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