Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Have You Pinned Yet? UPDATED

The latest Internet rage is Pinterest, a way to collect and "pin" images in collections. has started a nice little collection here.  As far as I know, this is the only shop participating but I've heard of cross stitch designers and fellow stitchers who are doing so.  It's by invitation only right now, but the invites are there for the asking.

Thanks to Donna, I have a Pinterest page full of various versions of Stars for a New Millennium.  Thanks!

If you want to see more Pinterest pages, try River Silks' pages.

In the interest of full disclosure, you should know that a lot of folks object to Pinterest's changing links so that they make money off what you pin.  I know about this thanks to Julie at Shop Sampler. Follow her links if you want to learn more.

Some users don't mind. Whether you do or don't, it would be nice if they disclosed this to users when they sign up.

UPDATE:  Here's what Sharon Boggins has to say about Pinterest.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


Whitney and the Preppy Puppies said...

Hi, Jane. I have a Pinterest board I've called Needlepoint Happiness that has all sorts of NP goodies. :-)

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Oh, goodie! Let's all go see what Whitney's up to!

What fun! Lots of pink, lots of eye candy. Love that Kaffe chair!