Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Face and Hair Stitches

Sue has written a great article about stitching faces with tent stitches on her Sudukc blog.  She uses color to give her faces personality.  Make sure you click on the tiny thumbnail photos of each face.  Those marks you see are actually numbers so you can see exactly the examples she mentions in each section and understand what she did where and perhaps use these ideas on your own faces. The eye treatment of the geisha is particularly clever, but each face shows how you can mix tent stitches with the right color to get a wonderfully expressive face whether your face is realistic or more cartoonish.

If you find Toppy irresistible, here are more postings as he grows.

By coincidence, Janet Perry has a short article up about three ways to stitch hair. None is particularly difficult but they all give realistic hair effects.

Many thanks to both ladies for showing how simple stitches can breath life into a needlepoint face!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at 
nd at


sudu said...

Thank you for all the kind words about my blog...I believe as needleartists it is our obligation to share of knowledge with others.
Thank you agan for sharing my blog with you blog readers.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

I agree with you and really enjoyed your face tutorial. Thanks very much for posting it!