Wednesday, June 22, 2011


DMC's blog writes that half cross stitch is catching on.  Since this is just needlepoint/tent stitch under another name, this makes me smile.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at and at


Erica said...

I have to admit, it *is* kind of funny when you think about how long needlepointers have been doing half cross stitch. Although I watched the video and they're not demonstrating a tent stitch - moreso a literal half cross stitch on Aida. If folks aren't using a frame, the piece will warp like the dickens! Although maybe the Aida is stiff enough to not cause problems... *shrug*

Still, I guess it won't hurt the needlework world to blur the lines a bit between cross stitch and needlepoint! :-)

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

I think XSrs have various techniques they use. I am not sure that half cross causes them the problems it causes NPrs but I am not sure about that. Anyway, it was good for a laugh and we can all use those!